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Centres for conservation and restoration of movable property in Latin America and the Caribbean : analysis and perspectives, training programs

Centres for conservation and restoration of movable property in Latin America and the Caribbean : analysis and perspectives, training programs / texts and working document Katriina Simila
102 str. : ilustr. ; 22 x 27 cm
Publikacija sadrži radne materijala seminara o razvoju programa iz podrucja konzervacije pokretnih spomenika Latinske Amerike i Kariba (Seminar-Workshop on the evaluation of the training programs in the field of conservation of movable objects in Latin America and the Caribbean), održanog 1985. godine u Bogoti Kolumbija), a u organizaciji Columbian institute of culture COLCULTURA, ICCROM-a i Regional Project for cultural heritage and development UNDP/UNESCO. U publikaciji su predstavljeni anketni upitnici i rezultati ankete o stanju restauratorskih centara i njihovih djelatnosti u Latinskoj Americi i Karibima.
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